Neti Sea Salt Rinse

Neti Sea Salt Rinse


Your nose knows the difference between salts! Have you felt the burn of your saline solution? That is from highly-processed salt! Bright-white table salt is stripped of trace minerals, is 99% sodium chloride and includes anti-caking agents. Nasal rinsing should not be uncomfortable!

Our French Atlantic Grey Sea Salt is hand-harvested in the pristine ocean waters off Brittany, France. This salt is certified by ACTOA (L'Association de Controle Tiers Ouest Atlantique), "Selection du Saunier." This organization certifies that the region of Noirmoutier maintains a pure, unpolluted environment suitable for organic agriculture and also respects the Standards of Salt.

  • Gentle on your sinuses as it’s close to your body’s pH

  • Beneficial trace minerals that naturally break down mucus

  • Pollutant and toxin-free

  • Perfect for daily neti pot rinsers

  • Comes in an 8 oz. or 16 oz. resealable bag

Salt Rinse Matters!

Not all salt is the same! In fact, most salt has been stripped of its trace minerals and is 99% sodium chloride. Trace minerals act as a buffer to prevent the salt from irritating your sinuses when rinsing.

Our salt comes from the pristine waters of Brittany, France, an environmentally protected coast where salt has been sustainably hand-harvested for thousands of years. This salt is certified organic by the French Organic Farming Association.

Baraka Mineral Salt Rinse is:

  1. Natural and certified organic.

  2. Gentle on the sinuses as it’s close to the blood’s pH.

  3. Unprocessed and contains trace minerals which help break down sinus mucus.

Don’t believe us? Try it for yourself.

Do a test. Compare our Mineral Salt Rinse to the bright white table salt or sea salt you’re rinsing with and see if you notice a difference. Less stinging? Less dryness? We think you’ll love this mineral salt rinse and never want to go back to the bright white stuff again!

Isotonic verse Hypertonic Salt Rinse

Doubling the salt creates a hypertonic rinse which reduces inflammation and liquefies mucus. How? There is more salt in a hypertonic rinse than in the cell walls of your sinuses. This changes the osmotic pressure, drawing out excess fluid that creates inflammation. As a result, pressure and congestion in your sinuses are relieved quickly.

Does using extra salt burn?

Adding extra salt still keeps the saline solution in a comfortable alkaline range. You may notice the difference from your regular isotonic solution, but it shouldn’t sting or burn. NOTE: Used over a period of time, the extra salt in a hypertonic rinse could dry out your sinuses. In some cases this is beneficial and in other cases it may create too much dryness.

Note: Rinsing with a heaping 1/2 teaspoon of salt (recommended for general maintenance) creates a saline rinse that is close to your body’s pH and is called an isotonic rinse.

What if I experience discomfort?

Adjust the amount of salt. In our experience, people use too little salt. Also, try tilting your head a little more or less. Experiment until you find what works best for you. Don’t give up! Neti rinsing really works.

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